Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Having a hoot making these Pinterest-Inspired owl motifs.

It's been some time since I've been on Pinterest, but recently I went by and pinned so many awesome project ideas.  I love to figure out how to make some of the things I've pinned and write down patterns (so I don't forget how I made them in the first place).

My Pinterest ->

I recently ran into an owl motif that caught my attention and this is my version of it:

Here is the pattern I came up with.  Hope you enjoy!!


Start off using a crochet Magic Ring (mr)

1. Using color 1 -> 2 ch (this counts as first dc), Dc 7 in ring. Sl st with Color 2 to join. (8 st)
2. Sl st 8. (8 st)
3. Using color 1 -> Stitch into st from row 1 -> 1 ch (this counts as first sc), 1 sc in same st, 2 sc in each st to end of row. Sl st with Color 3 to join. (16 st)
4. 2 ch (this counts as first sc followed by 1 ch), [1 Sc, ch 1], repeat to end of row. Sl st to join. (16 hdc)
5. Sl st between next two posts, ch 1 (this counts as first sc), 1 sc in between same posts. 2 sc. In between each post to end. Sl st with color 4 to join. (32 st)
6. Sl st between posts from row 4, ch 2 (this counts as 1 dc). 1 dc in between same posts. 2dc in between each of the posts of row 4 to end. Sl st to join. (32 dc)
7. 1 ch (this counts as first sc). 8 sc, ch 1, turn. (9 st)
8. Skip first st, 8 sc across, ch 1, turn.
9. Skip first st, 1 sc, ch 2, 2 sc in same st, 2 sc, 1 sl st, 2 sc, 2 sc in next st, ch 2, 1 sc in same st. 2 sl st down side and bind off.

EYES (make 2)

Using white:
Start off using a crochet Magic Ring (mr)
1. 6 sc in ring, sl st to join, ch 1, bind off (leave center loose, do not tighten yet).
Using black:
2. Tie 3 knots on each other. Insert this through the center of the white part of the eye (this becomes the pupil). Tighten the mr. Leave some yarn attached to attach eyes onto owl.


Using orange:
Start off using a crochet Magic Ring (mr)
1. Ch 2 (this counts as first dc), 2 dc in same ring, ch 1. Tighten mr. Leave some yarn attached to sew beak onto owl.

*** You may make and sell products from my patterns but if you do I ask that you link back to my post. Please do not copy and post this pattern and claim it as your own. Please do not re-publish photo's as your own.***

**/ See some completed projects on /**

Friday, June 7, 2013

Baby bullet crazy!!!

My baby turned four months three weeks ago and I purchased the Baby Bullet.  I never realized how fun it could be to make purées for a baby.  I started off making sweet potato purée, then a couple of days ago I made carrot purée.  (I'm a newby at this so forgive me if I sound excited!!). I'm so psyched that with one sweet potato I can make enough baby food for 5 to 10 days.  I already have two bags of frozen baby food in my freezer.

All this puréeing got me thinking ... hmmm!  What can I make for myself that's healthy?  So I started experimenting around my kitchen.  First I puréed a cup of watermelon and swallowed it in like two seconds.  Then I puréed two bananas.  (That was like two days ago.)

This morning I was tired of eating cereal and milk so I decided I wanted to make pancakes.  This is what I came up with.

Banana purée pancakes with strawberry purée topping.

This is how you can make it:
(Makes 1-2 serving)

One banana
3/4 cups of water
One cup of pancake mix (The kind where you only need to add water)
3 medium to large strawberries

Tools you'll need:

Blender (Baby bullet preferred)
Frying pan and spatula
Measuring cup
Pam or butter

How to make:

1.  Break up banana into pieces then add the banana and water into the blender and purée.
2.  Add the pancake mix and purée.
3.  Coat your frying pan with butter or Pam and make the pancakes.

For the strawberry topping:

1.  Chop all 3 strawberries into four pieces each then add to the blender (or baby bullet) and purée.
2.  Pour the puréed strawberries over your pancakes.
3.  ENJOY!!  I sure did!
    A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
    Proverbs 17:22

Crazy Weather ... Need a Slouchy Hat?

Wow, it's been quite some time since I last wrote. (Crazy!)

Much has transpired since. I took part in the 2nd annual Praise Explosion event and I had such a great experience. It was great just being able to participate with the youth at an event that reaches out to the community. By the looks of it, the event had an even greater turnout than last year.

This is me doing sound check.

I can't believe on Memorial Day weekend here in Jersey (NJ) we were getting cold weather brrrr!! I'm learning you can't really trust the weather forecast anymore.

With that in mind (although I know warm weather is upon us), I thought I'd share with you a pattern I found online to give you a head start on fall (although summer is not yet quite here ... Hmmmm ... Oh well. Enjoy!!!

Visit this link for the pattern -> Slouchy Hat

This is me wearing the hat.