Sometime in the beginning of 2014 I was beginning to have slight health issues. I mean, nothing major except the doctor (and by Doctor, I mean his Nurse Practitioner) couldn't diagnose me correctly. From possible thyroid issue to possible UTI ... I was put on a bout of antibiotics ... after about 3-4 months, lo and behold, I find out I was 3-4 months pregnant ... yeah, baby 2 was on the way. Add to that we were looking to sell our place and buy a new one, but now we NEEDED a new one!
"Oh the joys of buying a new home", they said. "It's gonna be such an adventure", they said. A joy it was not, and it wasn't so much an adventure as it was an emotional roller coaster. Add into that pregnancy hormones ... well God bless my husband for the tears he had to endure. We contracted a realtor for 6 months to sell our home. I saw more squirrels in my yard than I did people coming through to see it. Contract ended, baby #2 had arrived and we took about a few months off of home buying to keep our sanity in tact.
March of 2015, we started looking again for our new home and seen at least 5-6 homes we really liked, but needed to sell our home in order to be able to make the transaction. September 2015 we put in a bid for the house of our dreams and it was accepted!! However, it took 6 MONTHS to finalize the sale since the home was vandalized days after our bid was accepted.
December of 2015, I listed our home for sale on as SALE-BY-OWNER just to see if we would get any bites and the calls came rushing in. February 17, 2016 we sold our home. February 29, we signed for and received keys to our new home!
It has been a bitter-sweet journey, but now we are elated. We are in our new home and enjoying every minute of it. Major projects have been completed and now we are preparing for our house warming party.
Through it all, GOD has been faithful. (I even have a prayer room!) But more on that later. There are so many new things happening, but I just wanted to let you all know I'm back and excited to share what creative things God inspires me to share.
Take care, God bless and stay tuned for what's next. 😉